Malinalco is a town located 65 kilometers south of the city of Toluca in the south of the western portion of the State of Mexico.  The legend says that it was the home of the goddess Malinalxóchil, making it known for its magic and sorcery.

Finding inspiration from Malinalco's flavors, colors, textures, architecture, people and culture

Working with Juvencio was a treat. Even though we both come from Spanish speaking countries, we would constantly find words that had a different meaning in each of our countries. Talented and curious, Juvencio shared with me not only his trade, but his culture, his town and his world view.

Juvencio Beltran Achiquen

Tenabari is the result of a series of conversations we had with Juvencio, slowly weaved into the object that we were creating throughout our collaboration. This pendant light became the formal abstraction of the cocoon stage of a butterfly’s life, an ephemeral moment of transformation similar to our experience in Malinalco.  As with the metamorphosis occurring within a cocoon, the creation of Tenabaris was a slow and arduous process, the result of which only began to reveal itself as the final product began to take shape. While hanging at rest like a static object, it responds visually to the force of gravity that’s pulling both spirals that travel around the form. This movement refers to the spiral’s strong symbolism of life, growth and evolution in mexican culture.
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